Dave's Gone By Interview (11/17/12) – Rabbi Sol Solomon & FRANK DECARO


 Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with humorist and author Frank DeCaro. (Introduction by Dave Lefkowitz)

 Topics include: Hollywood, homosexuality and The Dead Celebrity Cookbook

 Segment originally aired Nov. 17, 2012 on the "Dave's Gone By" radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Dave's Gone By #400 (11/17/12): On All Four

November 17, 2012 (show #400) ON ALL FOUR

Featuring: Dave celebrates his 400th show with Saturday Segues (Thanksgiving, Counting Up), Inside Broadway (Parade), News Gone By, Bob Dylan - Sooner & Later. Plus: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews humorist Frank DeCaro.

Host: Dave Lefkowitz

Guest: humorist Frank DeCaro