Dave's Gone By #480 (10/11/14): Kup's Show

Oct. 11, 2014 (show #480) KUP'S SHOW

Featuring: Dave chats with broadcast legend Dick Cavett and Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with comedian Vicky Kuperman. Also: Saturday Segue (Siberry & Simon), Dylan - Sooner & Later (Manchester in the Heart) and the Wretched Pun of Destiny (Tiara).

Guests: broadcast legend Dick Cavett and comedian Vicky Kuperman

Dave's Gone By Interview (10/11/14) – VICKY KUPERMAN & Rabbi Sol Solomon

 Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews comedian Vicky Kuperman

Topics include: comedy, Russia.

Segment scheduled to air Oct. 11, 2014 as part of the "Dave's Gone By" radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.