Dave's Gone By #472 (7/5/14): To Dave is the Highway

July 5, 2014 (show #472) TO DAVE IS THE HIGHWAY

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with singer songwriter Eric Andersen and with Gene Kelly archivist Patricia Ward Kelly. Plus: Rabbi Sol's Rabbinical Reflection on the murdered Israeli teenagers, a birthday salute to Beck and Bob Dylan: Sooner & Later (Like a Rolling Stone).

Guests: musician Eric Anderson, biographer Patricia Ward Kelly, Dave's wife Joyce

Dave's Gone By Interview (6/28/14) – PATRICIA WARD KELLY & Rabbi Sol Solomon

Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Gene Kelly’s widow and biographer, Patricia Ward Kelly

Topics include: Singin’ in the Rain, dance, choreography.

Segment scheduled to air June 14, 2014 as part of the "Dave's Gone By" radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.