Dave's Gone By #442 (10/26/13): Bird on the Wireless

Oct. 26, 2013 (show #442) Bird on the Wireless

Featuring: Dave & Rabbi Sol Solomon interview rock journalist Sylvie Simmons, author of "I'm Your Man." Also: Inside Broadway. Rabbi Sol offers his Rabbinical Reflection on the NYC biker melee, and a Saturday Segue for Tom Paxton's birthday.

Guests: rock journalist Sylvie Simmons, Dave's wife Joyce

Dave's Gone By Interview (10/26/03) – SYLVIE SIMMONS & Rabbi Sol Solomon

 Dave Lefkowitz and Rabbi Sol Solomon interview rock journalist Sylvie Simmons

Topics include: Simmons’ Leonard Cohen biography, “I’m Your Man”; rock journalism, Michael Jackson, the Beatles, Lou Reed, Johnny Cash.

Segment scheduled to air Oct. 26, 2013 as part of the "Dave's Gone By" radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Dave's Gone By #438 (9/21/13): Good Time Charlie

Sept. 21, 2013 (show #438) GOOD TIME CHARLIE

Featuring: Dave's chat with veteran musician Charlie McCoy. Plus: Inside Broadway, Saturday Segue (Leonard Cohen).