January 26, 2003: Dave's Gone By #17 - Chunder Down Under

Featuring: “Dave Goes Off” (Pete Rose); Interview w/ director Karin Coonrod; “News Gone By,” “The Missile Hunter”; “World Weird Web” (ChunderSpew!).

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: director Karin Coonrod

00:00:00  DAVE GOES IN
00:04:00  DAVE GOES OFF on Pete Rose
00:14:00  GUEST: Karin Coonrod
00:40:00  DAVE REMEMBERS: Maurice Gibb, Ian McNaughton & Barry Took
00:44:00  WORLD WEIRD WEB - Language
00:47:00  SKIT: ChunderThunder (and part two at 00:72:00)
00:51:00  NEWS GONE BY
00:58:00  SKIT: The Missile Hunter
01:17:00  DAVE GOES OUT

January 26, 2003 Playlist: "Bruces" (Monty Python), "Tie Me Kangaroo Down" (Village Stompers), "Joey, the Spastic Kangaroo"  & "A Dingo Ate My Baby" (69:00) (Dave).


photos: Karin Coonrod, Maurice Gibb, Ian McNaughton, Barry Took, Chunder.

Featuring: “Dave Goes Off” (Pete Rose); Interview w/ director Karin Coonrod; “News Gone By,” “The Missile Hunter”; “World Weird Web” (ChunderSpew!).
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Keywords (Old): 
Dave's Gone By, Dave Lefkowitz, comedy, humor, funny, talk, radio, WGBB, theater, Broadway, Karin Coonrod, Australian, Down Under, Missile Hunter, Joey the Spastic Kangaroo, Dingo, Chunder, Pete Rose, baseball, language, internet, New York, Long Island
Dave goes Australian including a chat with theatrical director Karin Coonrod and a World Weird Web look at "chunder." Plus: Dave Goes Off on Pete Rose, sings "Joey, the Spastic Kangaroo" and "A Dingo Ate My Baby," and does the Missile Hunter skit.