June 15, 2003: Dave's Gone By #37 - Dave's Gone Elsewhere
Featuring: Dave's appearances on WGBB's & Teen America and Joe Salzone Live
host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: radio host Joe Salzone
Notes: Pre-taped while Dave was out of town, this features clips from his appearances on two other WGBB programs
00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN: Dave replays his appearances on two other WGBB radio shows: “Teen America” (3/23/03) and “Joe Salzone Live!” (11/30/02).
00:04:00 DAVE ON “TEEN AMERICA”: aired March 23, 2003. w/ host Rich, Engineer Paul, and callers: Anti-war protests, Going after Saddam, caller Ben on blonde girls in Minnesota and the Mall of America, Thoughts on the war.
00:30:00 DAVE ON “JOE SALZONE LIVE!” aired November 30, 2002. w/ host Joe Salzone: Will we attack Iraq?, Henry Kissinger, Lizzie Grubman.
00:54:00 DAVE GOES OUT: Keeping in touch.
June 15, 2003 Playlist: no songs.
Joe Salzone
Lizzie Grubman