March 24, 2005: Dave's Gone By #120 - A Very Good Show

Dave chats with author Larry Cuocci. Plus: Dave Goes Off on Parking and Rabbi Sol Solomon's Purimspiel.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guests: author Larry Cuocci ("A Very Good Year") and Rabbi Sol Solomon, spiritual leader of Temple Sons of Bitches in Great Neck, NY.

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN 
00:08:00  DAVE GOES OFF - Parking 
00:16:00  DAVE'S GOT GUESTS - author Larry Cuocci (“A Very Good Year”) 
00:38:00  SKIT: Rabbi Sol Solomon's Purimspiel 
00:52:00  DAVE GOES OUT 

March 24, 2005 Playlist: “A Wake Up Call” & “A Viennese Freilach” (New Orleans Klezmer Allstars).


Dave chats with author Larry Cuocci. Plus: Dave Goes Off on Parking and Rabbi Sol Solomon's Purimspiel
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Keywords (Old): 
Dave's Gone By, Dave Lefkowitz, comedy, humor, funny, talk, radio, WGBB, Larry Cuocci, Rabbi Sol Solomon, Jewish, Purim, Purimspiel, Long Island, parking, cars, traffic, automobiles, murder, euthanasia
Dave chats with author Larry Cuocci. Plus: Dave Goes Off on Parking and Rabbi Sol Solomon's Purimspiel