July 29, 2007: Dave's Gone By #232 - Art Brute

Featuring: Dave chats with Louise Sacco, curator of the Museum of Bad Art. Plus co-host Jeff Goodman's cousin Janice Macias, Inside Broadway (Two Thirds Home), the Vicktim skit, and Dave Says Bye to Laszlo Kovacs.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest co-host: Jeff Goodman
guest: Museum of Bad Art curator Louise Sacco
guest caller: Jeff's cousin Janice Macias

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN 
00:11:01  GUEST: Louise Sacco 
00:40:00  SKIT: Vicktim 
00:42:00  INSIDE BROADWAY - News & Two Thirds Home 
00:54:00  DAVE SAYS BYE - Laszlo Kovacs
01:03:00  Guest: Jeff's Cousin Janice (Janice Macias) 
01:13:00  DAVE GOES OUT

July 29, 2007 Playlist: "State of the Art," "No Life," "Art Isn't Easy," "Sunday" ("Sunday in the Park with George," original cast).

"Prosthetic Claw" by William F. Murphy


                                                       "Sunday on the Pot With George" (unknown artist)


                                                                  Michael Vick, in his own defense 

Laszlo Kovacs

                                             set for Broken Watch Theater Company's Two Thirds Home

Dave chats with Louise Sacco, curator of the Museum of Bad Art. Plus co-host Jeff Goodman's cousin Janice, Inside Broadway (Two Thirds Home), the Vicktim skit, and Dave Says Bye to Laszlo Kovacs.
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Keywords (Old): 
Dave's Gone By, Dave Lefkowitz, Jeff Goodman, Janice Macias, radio, humor, comedy, Broadway, theater, Louise Sacco, Museum of Bad Art, Two Thirds Home, Laszlo Kovacs, film, Michael Vick, dogs
Dave chats with Louise Sacco, curator of the Museum of Bad Art. Plus co-host Jeff Goodman's cousin Janice, Inside Broadway ("Two Thirds Home"), the "Vicktim" skit, and Dave Says Bye to Laszlo Kovacs.