Sept. 28, 2008 (show #292) ART NOUVEAU

Featuring: Theater writer/composer Jill Santoriello (A Tale of Two Cities), and the return of Madison, WI street singer Art Paul Schlosser.

host: Dave Lefkowitz

guests: musician Art Paul Schlosser, composer Jill Santoriello & Dave's wife Joyce Weil

00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN
00:15:00 GUEST: Art Paul Schlosser
00:44:30 INSIDE BROADWAY (News; 00:44:30) / (Jill Santoriello; 00:54:00))
01:19:00 DAVE SAYS BYE - Paul Newman
01:21:00 A Call from Mrs. Dave (Joyce Weil)
01:42:00 DAVE GOES OFF - on the NY Mets
01:55:30 Sponsors & Plugs
02:07:30 DAVE GOES OUT

Sept. 28, 2008 Playlist: "Have a Peanut Butter Sandwich" (00:12:00), "My Cat Was Taking a Bath" (w/ Michael Hill; 00:13:00), "Be My Friend" (live; 00:32:30), "Leftovers (You Can't Eat This)" (live; 00:41:30), "W.E.I.R.D." (01:14:00) & "The End" (02:10:30; Art Paul Schlosser).

pictured: A Tale of Two Cities, Jill Santoriello, Art Paul Schlosser.

Featuring the return of Madison, WI street singer Art Paul Schlosser and theater writer/composer Jill Santoriello (A Tale of Two Cities)
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Keywords (Old): 
Dave's Gone By, Dave Lefkowitz, Art Paul Schlosser, Jill Santoriello, Tale of Two Cities, Joyce Weil, comedy, humor, radio, theater, Broadway
Featuring the return of Madison, WI street singer Art Paul Schlosser and theater writer/composer Jill Santoriello (A Tale of Two Cities)