Dave's Gone By #29 (4/27/03): Setting a Good Egg Sample

April 20, 2003: Dave's Gone By #29 - Setting a Good Egg Sample

host: Dave Lefkowitz

Featuring: Dave has a day in New York, plus gets cultural and offers the satirical News Gone By.            

Note: The only extant recording of the first 10 minutes of this episode was taped from a radio broadcast. Apologies for the sound quality!

Dave's Gone By #206 (2/4/07): Febru-wary

February 4, 2007: Dave's Gone By #206 - Febru-wary

Featuring: Dave chats with his dad, Philip Lefkowitz, and goes off on guerilla marketing. Plus the News Gone By, Inside Broadway (Grey Gardens & The Big Voice) and the skits, Filet Barbaro, Barbaro Glue and Phil Fur.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest co-host: Jeff Goodman
guests: Dave's wife, Joyce Weil, and his dad, Philip Lefkowitz

Dave's Gone By #199 (12/10/06): Vitae Signs

December 10, 2006: Dave's Gone By #199 - Vitae Signs

Featuring: WGLFAR's Peter Fitzgerald chats with resume experts Mark & Jeanne Simon. Plus: banter with guest co-host Jeff Goodman and the satirical News Gone By.

Dave's Gone By #41 (7/20/03): California, Here I Come Back

July 20, 2003: Dave's Gone By #41 - California, Here I Come Back

Featuring: Dave's trip to Santa Monica. Plus: the satirical News Gone By, Driving While Old, and a farewell to musician Compay Segundo.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
