August 19, 2004: Dave's Gone By #90 - The Gay 90

Featuring: Dave chats with theater critic Andy Propst. Plus: Inside Broadway and Peter Fitzgerald on Jim McGreevey. 

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guests: theater critic Andy Propst and Peter Fitzgerald, Vice President of WGLFAR (the Woodmere Gay/Lesbian Front...And Rear)

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN 
00:08:00  INSIDE BROADWAY - Future Shows & Todd Robbins
00:17:00  DAVE'S GONE CULTURAL - Andy Propst on theater 
00:47:00  SKIT: Peter Fitzgerald - “McGreevey”
00:53:00  DAVE GOES OUT 

August 19, 2004 Playlist: "I Am What I Am" (Harvey Fierstein), "McGreevey" (Peter Fitzgerald).

 pictured from top: Andy Propst, Jim McGreevey, Todd Robbins.

Featuring: Dave chats with theater critic <b>Andy Propst.</b> Plus: Inside Broadway and Peter Fitzgerald on Jim McGreevey.
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Keywords (Old): 
Dave's Gone By, Dave Lefkowitz, comedy, humor, funny, talk, radio, WGBB, gay, homosexual, Peter Fitzgerald, WGLFAR, Andy Propst, Jim McGreevey, New Jersey, Broadway, theater, culture, sex, Todd Robbins, freaks, adultery
Dave chats with theater critic Andy Propst. Plus: Inside Broadway and Peter Fitzgerald on Jim McGreevey.